Top Verbs That Starting With D With Examples
Top Verbs That Starting With D With Examples "List of the 10 most commonly used verb forms beginning with 'B' along with examples: active verb, affirmative verb, powerful verb, interrogative verb, and negative.
Top 10 Action verbs that start with D with examples
Dance - She loves to dance to her favorite songs.
Drive - He will drive us to the airport tomorrow.
Dive - The diver will plunge into the deep ocean.
Dig - They need to dig a hole for the new tree.
Draw - She can draw a beautiful picture of a sunset.
Dismantle - They will dismantle the old car for parts.
Dress - He needs to dress in a suit for the formal event.
Defend - The soldiers will defend the country from invaders.
Deliver - The courier will deliver the package today.
Discuss - We should discuss our plans for the project.
Explore more verbs that start with:
Top 10 verb that start with D with Questions examples
Dance - Would you like to dance with me at the party?
Drive - Can you drive me to the airport tomorrow?
Dine - Would you like to dine at that new restaurant downtown?
Discuss - Can we discuss the project during the meeting?
Dream - What do you usually dream about when you sleep?
Dive - Have you ever dared to dive from a high platform?
Discover - Did you discover any interesting places during your trip?
Dwell - Where do you dwell when you're not traveling?
Dress - What will you dress up as for the costume party?
Doubt - Do you ever doubt your own abilities?
Top 10 Positive verbs that start with D with examples
Delight - Her performance on stage delighted the audience.
Dazzle - The fireworks display dazzled everyone with its colors.
Dedicate - He decided to dedicate his time to a charitable cause.
Empower - Education can empower individuals to achieve their dreams.
Determine - She was determined to overcome any obstacles in her way.
Dazzle - The sunrise over the mountains never fails to dazzle me.
Dance - They danced all night to celebrate their success.
Develop - He aimed to develop his skills through continuous practice.
Discover - Exploring new places allows you to discover hidden treasures.
Dream - It's important to dream big and pursue your passions.
Top 10 verb that start with D with Negative examples
Dance - She refused to dance with anyone.
Dine - He didn't want to dine out; he preferred to cook at home.
Drive - She can't drive because her license is suspended.
Deliver - They failed to deliver the promised results.
Decide - They couldn't decide on a movie to watch.
Dive - She was too scared to dive from the high platform.
Dabble - He only dabbles in his studies and doesn't take them seriously.
Discuss - They refused to discuss the issue any further.
Detect - They couldn't detect any signs of life in the area.
Deter - The warning didn't deter them from attempting the theft.
450+ List of Verbs that Begin with D
- Dab
- Dabble
- Dade
- Dadle
- Daff
- Daintify
- Dally
- Dam
- Damage
- Damascene
- Damask
- Damaskeen
- Damasken
- Damn
- Damnify
- Damp
- Dampen
- Dampne
- Dance
- Dander
- Dandify
- Dandle
- Dandyise
- Dang
- Dangle
- Dap
- Dapple
- Dare
- Dark
- Darken
- Darkle
- Darn
- Darraign
- Darrain
- Dart
- Dash
- Date
- Daub
- Dawdle
- Dawn
- Daydream
- Dazzle
- Deacon
- Dead
- Deaden
- Deafen
- Deal
- Dealbate
- Deambulate
- Dear
- Dearn
- Dearticulate
- Deaurate
- Deave
- Debacchate
- Debar
- Debarb
- Debark
- Debarrass
- Debase
- Debate
- Debauch
- Debauchee
- Debel
- Debellate
- Debilitate
- Debit
- Debituminize
- Debosh
- Debouch
- Debulliate
- Debunk
- Deburse
- Debut
- Decalcify
- Decamp
- Decant
- Decantate
- Decapitate
- Decarbonate
- Decarbonize
- Decarburize
- Decay
- Decease
- Deceive
- Decentralize
- Decide
- Decimalize
- Decimate
- Decipher
- Declaim
- Declare
- Decline
- Declutch
- Decode
- Decompose
- Decompress
- Decongest
- Decorate
- Decrease
- Decree
- Decrest
- Decry
- Dedicate
- Deduce
- Deduct
- Deem
- Deepen
- Defame
- Defeat
- Defecate
- Defect
- Defend
- Defer
- Define
- Deflagrate
- Deflate
- Deflect
- Deflower
- Defoliate
- Deforest
- Deform
- Defraud
- Defray
- Defreeze
- Defy
- Degenerate
- Degrade
- Dehorn
- Dehumanize
- Dehydrate
- Deify
- Deign
- Delay
- Delegate
- Delete
- Deliberate
- Delight
- Delimit
- Delineate
- Deliver
- Delouse
- Delude
- Delve
- Demagnetize
- Demand
- Dematerialize
- Demobilize
- Democratize
- Demolish
- Demonstrate
- Demoralize
- Demote
- Demystify
- Denationalize
- Denature
- Denigrate
- Denominate
- Denote
- Denounce
- Dent
- Denude
- Deny
- Deoxidize
- Depart
- Depend
- Depict
- Depilate
- Deplete
- Deplore
- Deploy
- Depopulate
- Deport
- Depose
- Deposit
- Deprave
- Depreciate
- Depress
- Deprive
- Derail
- Derive
- Derogate
- Descend
- Describe
- Desecrate
- Desert
- Deserve
- Design
- Desire
- Despatch
- Despoil
- Despond
- Destroy
- Destruct
- Detach
- Detail
- Detain
- Detect
- Deteriorate
- Determine
- Detest
- Dethrone
- Detonate
- Detoxicate
- Devalue
- Devastate
- Develop
- Deviate
- Devise
- Devitalize
- Devolve
- Devote
- Devour
- Diabolify
- Diabolize
- Diadem
- Diagnose
- Diagnosticate
- Diagram
- Dial
- Dialogize
- Dialogue
- Dialyse
- Dialyze
- Diamondize
- Diazotize
- Dib
- Dibble
- Dice
- Dich
- Dichotomize
- Dicker
- Dictate
- Diddle
- Die
- Differ
- Difference
- Differentiate
- Difficilitate
- Difficultate
- Diffide
- Diffind
- Diffine
- Diffract
- Diffuse
- Dig
- Dight
- Digit
- Digitate
- Dilapidate
- Dilate
- Dilute
- Dim
- Diminish
- Dine
- Dip
- Direct
- Dirty
- Disable
- Disabuse
- Disagree
- Disappear
- Disappoint
- Disapprove
- Disarm
- Disarticulate
- Disband
- Disburse
- Discard
- Discern
- Discharge
- Discipline
- Disclaim
- Disclose
- Discolor
- Discompose
- Disconcert
- Disconnect
- Discontinue
- Discount
- Discourage
- Discourse
- Discover
- Discredit
- Discriminate
- Discrown
- Discuss
- Disdain
- Disembark
- Disembowel
- Disenchant
- Disengage
- Disentagle
- Disentangle
- Disfigure
- Disgorge
- Disgrace
- Disguise
- Disgust
- Dish
- Dishevel
- Dishonour
- Disillusion
- Disinfect
- Disinherit
- Disintegrate
- Disjoint
- Dislike
- Dislocate
- Dismantle
- Dismast
- Dismay
- Dismember
- Dismiss
- Dismount
- Disobey
- Disorganize
- Disorient
- Disorientate
- Disown
- Disparage
- Dispatch
- Dispense
- Disperse
- Displace
- Displant
- Display
- Displease
- Dispose
- Dispossess
- Disprove
- Dispute
- Disqualify
- Disregard
- Disrupt
- Dissatisfy
- Dissect
- Disseminate
- Dissent
- Dissipate
- Dissociate
- Dissolve
- Dissuade
- Distend
- Distil
- Distill
- Distinguish
- Distort
- Distract
- Distress
- Distribute
- Distrust
- Disturb
- Disunite
- Dive
- Diverge
- Diversify
- Divert
- Divide
- Divorce
- Divulge
- Do
- Doat
- Dock
- Docket
- Docquet
- Doctor
- Doctorate
- Document
- Dodder
- Dodge
- Doer
- Doff
- Dog
- Dogmatize
- Dole
- Dolomize
- Dolt
- Domesticate
- Domicile
- Domiciliate
- Domify
- Dominate
- Donate
- Doodle
- Doom
- Doorstep
- Dop
- Dope
- Dose
- Dot
- Dotage
- Dotard
- Dote
- Dotterel
- Double
- Doubt
- Download
- Doze
- Drab
- Drabble
- Draft
- Drag
- Draggle
- Dragoon
- Drail
- Drain
- Draining
- Dram
- Dramatize
- Drape
- Draught
- Draw
- Drawbore
- Drawl
- Dread
- Dream
- Drecche
- Dredge
- Dree
- Drein
- Drench
- Drenche
- Dress
- Dretch
- Dreul
- Dribble
- Drie
- Drift
- Drill
- Drink
- Drip
- Drip-feed
- Drive
- Drivel
- Drizzle
- Drone
- Droop
- Drop
- Drown
- Drowse
- Drug
- Drum
- Dry
- Dub
- Dubitate
- Duck
- Dudder
- Due
- Duel
- Duff
- Duke
- Dulce
- Dulcify
- Dulcorate
- Dull
- Dumb
- Dumbfound
- Dumfound
- Dumfounder
- Dump
- Dumple
- Dun
- Duncify
- Dung
- Dungeon
- Dunk
- Dup
- Dupe
- Duplicate
- Duress
- Dusk
- Dusken
- Dust
- Dwaul
- Dwell
- Dwindle
- Dwine
- Dye
- Dynamite
Top 10 strong verbs that start with D with examples
Dwell - to live in a particular place
Example: She used to dwell in a small cottage by the river.
Drench - to soak something completely with a liquid
Example: The sudden rain drenched us during our picnic.
Dare - to have the courage to do something
Dwell - to live in a particular place
Example: She used to dwell in a small cottage by the river.
Drench - to soak something completely with a liquid
Example: The sudden rain drenched us during our picnic.
Dare - to have the courage to do something
Example: I dare you to jump into the cold water!
Dig - to break up, move, or remove earth, using a tool or your hands
Example: We need to dig a hole to plant the tree.
Dive - to plunge headfirst into water
Example: The athlete will dive into the pool in the next race.
Drive - to operate and control the movement of a vehicle
Example: He likes to drive his car at high speeds.
Draw - to produce a picture or diagram by making lines and marks
Example: She can draw beautiful landscapes.
Drown - to die by suffocating in water
Example: We must be careful while swimming not to drown.
Dazzle - to greatly impress or astonish someone
Example: Her performance on stage dazzled the audience.
Destroy - to completely ruin or demolish something
Example: The tornado can destroy entire buildings in seconds.
The Top of common verbs beginning with the letter 'D' are mentioned. likewise, numerous fresh English verbs begin with this letter. Visit our Spoken English Conversation to learn further about them.
You can also read our for numerous helpful hints on how to enhance your English vocabulary, alphabet, and pronunciation. I hope these exemplifications are helpful!