Do you like to travel with children? Why or why not?
I love to travel with children! They bring so much enjoy and energy to the trip. They also help keep me young at heart.
Conversation Question About Travel
As a class, Discuss the Following Questions:
- What was the most interesting place you have ever visited?
- How many places have you traveled to?
- Who do you usually go with?
- What’s your favorite tourist attraction?
- Have you ever been abroad?
- What language do you use when traveling?
- What do you usually do during your trip?
- What do you do to prepare for your trip?
- What do you usually bring when you travel?
- Do you prefer traveling by car, train or plane?
- Do you prefer traveling alone or joining a guided tour?
- Do you like to travel with children? Why or why not?
- What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to?
- Where will you go on your next vacation?
- What are popular tourist destinations in your country?
- What is your favorite mode of travel?