Top Verbs That Starting With B With Examples

Top verbs That Starting with B with examples

Top 10 verbs that start with B with examples: action verb, positive verb, strong verb, question verb, negative verb and 390 list of verb.

    Bake - She likes to bake fresh bread every morning.

    Build - They plan to build a new house on that empty lot.

    Brush - He brushed his teeth before going to bed.

    Breathe - It's essential to breathe deeply during yoga practice.

    Break - Don't break that vase; it's valuable!

    Buy - I need to buy groceries for dinner tonight.

    Believe - I believe in the power of positive thinking.

    Bring - Can you bring the documents to the meeting tomorrow?

    Begin - Let's begin the project as soon as possible.

    Behave - Children should learn how to behave politely in public.

    Explore more verbs that start with:

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W

    Top 10 action verbs that start with B with examples

    Bounce - The basketball bounced off the court.

    Bite - Be careful; that dog might bite!

    Build - They plan to build a new house next year.

    Breathe - It's essential to breathe deeply during yoga.

    Brush - I need to brush my teeth before bed.

    Balance - He managed to balance on one foot for a minute.

    Break - She accidentally broke the vase.

    Blink - Don't forget to blink regularly to keep your eyes moist.

    Bend - He had to bend the metal to create the sculpture.

    Boil - The water will boil in a few minutes for the pasta.

    Top 10 verbs that start with "B" with question sentence examples

    Bake - Did you bake a cake for the party?

    Build - Are you planning to build a new house?

    Buy - Have you bought groceries for the week?

    Break - Did you break the vase accidentally?

    Bring - Can you bring me a glass of water, please?

    Begin - When will you begin your new project?

    Believe - Do you believe in ghosts?

    Borrow - May I borrow your pen for a moment?

    Bet - Are you willing to bet on the outcome of the game?

    Brush - Did you remember to brush your teeth this morning?

    Top 10 positive verbs that start with "B" with examples

    Blossom - The flowers began to blossom in the spring.

    Build - They plan to build a new community center in the neighborhood.

    Believe - I believe in your ability to succeed.

    Brighten - Her smile can brighten even the gloomiest of days.

    Beautify - The landscaping project will beautify the park.

    Bless - May good fortune bless you on your journey.

    Boost - Regular exercise can boost your energy levels.

    Celebrate - We will celebrate your achievements at the party tonight.

    Benefit - Eating a balanced diet can benefit your health.

    Bring - Let's bring positive change to our community through volunteering.

    Top 10 verbs that start with "B" with negative sentence examples

    Bake - She didn't bake cookies for the party.

    Build - They won't build a new house this year.

    Breathe - He couldn't breathe in the smoky room.

    Break - She didn't break the vase on purpose.

    Bury - We won't bury the treasure in this location.

    Believe - I don't believe his story about aliens.

    Boil - The water didn't boil quickly on the cold stove.

    Bet - I wouldn't bet on that horse; it's not a good choice.

    Blame - She didn't blame him for the mistake.

    Bounce - The ball didn't bounce as high as expected.

    Top Verbs That Starting With B With Examples

    List of Verbs that begin with B

    1. Babble
    2. Back
    3. Backfire
    4. Backslide
    5. Bail
    6. Bait
    7. Bake
    8. Balance
    9. Ballarat
    10. Ballast
    11. Ballotade
    12. Balter
    13. Bamboozle
    14. Ban
    15. Band
    16. Bandage
    17. Bang
    18. Banish
    19. Bank
    20. Banter
    21. Baptize
    22. Bar
    23. Bard
    24. Bargain
    25. Bargainee
    26. Bark
    27. Barrack
    28. Barricade
    29. Barrow
    30. Barter
    31. Base
    32. Bash
    33. Bask
    34. Baste
    35. Bat
    36. Batful
    37. Bathe
    38. Batter
    39. Battle
    40. Bawl
    41. Be
    42. Beach
    43. Bead
    44. Beal
    45. Beam
    46. Bear
    47. Beat
    48. Beath
    49. Beatify
    50. Bebleed
    51. Beblood
    52. Beblot
    53. Beblubber
    54. Beclap
    55. Beclip
    56. Become
    57. Becripple
    58. Becurl
    59. Bed
    60. Bedabble
    61. Bedaff
    62. Bedaggle
    63. Bedash
    64. Bedeck
    65. Bedevil
    66. Before
    67. Bedrabble
    68. Bedrench
    69. Bedribble
    70. Bedrizzle
    71. Bedrop
    72. Bedrug
    73. Beduck
    74. Bedung
    75. Bust
    76. Been
    77. Beflatter
    78. Beflower
    79. Befortune
    80. Befrill
    81. Befringe
    82. Beg
    83. Begem
    84. Beget
    85. Begin
    86. Beginning
    87. Begird
    88. Begirdle
    89. Begnaw
    90. Begod
    91. Belgrave
    92. Begrease
    93. Behave
    94. Behead
    95. Behold
    96. Behoof
    97. Behowl
    98. Being
    99. Bejade
    100. Bejape
    101. Bejewel
    102. Bejumble
    103. Beknave
    104. Beknow
    105. Belace
    106. Belam
    107. Belate
    108. Belaud
    109. Belch
    110. Belecture
    111. Belle
    112. Belper
    113. Belibel
    114. Believe
    115. Belight
    116. Belime
    117. Belittle
    118. Belk
    119. Bell
    120. Bellow
    121. Belock
    122. Belong
    123. Belt
    124. Bemangle
    125. Bemask
    126. Bemaul
    127. Bemean
    128. Bemete
    129. Bemingle
    130. Bemist
    131. Bemoil
    132. Bemonster
    133. Bemourn
    134. Bemuddle
    135. Bemuffle
    136. Bemuse
    137. Bename
    138. Bench
    139. Bend
    140. Benefit
    141. Beneme
    142. Benim
    143. Benumb
    144. Bepaint
    145. Bepelt
    146. Bepinch
    147. Bepommel
    148. Bepowder
    149. Bepraise
    150. Beprose
    151. Bepurple
    152. Bequeath
    153. Bequote
    154. Berain
    155. Berattle
    156. Beray
    157. Bereave
    158. Berhyme
    159. Berime
    160. Berob
    161. Berth
    162. Besaint
    163. Bescatter
    164. Bescorn
    165. Bescratch
    166. Bescrawl
    167. Bescreen
    168. Beseech
    169. Beseek
    170. Beshine
    171. Beshroud
    172. Besiege
    173. Beslabber
    174. Beslave
    175. Beslaver
    176. Beslime
    177. Beslobber
    178. Beslubber
    179. Besmut
    180. Besnow
    181. Besnuff
    182. Besort
    183. Bespangle
    184. Bespawl
    185. Bespew
    186. Bespice
    187. Bespurt
    188. Best
    189. Bestain
    190. Bestar
    191. Bestick
    192. Bestill
    193. Bestow
    194. Bestreak
    195. Bestud
    196. Bet
    197. Betake
    198. Bete
    199. Bethrall
    200. Bethumb
    201. Bethump
    202. Betitle
    203. Betongue
    204. Betoss
    205. Betrap
    206. Betray
    207. Betrim
    208. Betroth
    209. Betrust
    210. Better
    211. Betutor
    212. Bevel
    213. Beware
    214. Bewash
    215. Beweep
    216. Bewhore
    217. Bewig
    218. Bewilder
    219. Bewinter
    220. Bewitch
    221. Bewonder
    222. Bewrap
    223. Bewreck
    224. Bezzle
    225. Bicker
    226. Bicycle
    227. Bid
    228. Bigging
    229. Bike
    230. Bill
    231. Bind
    232. Birth
    233. Bisect
    234. Bisie
    235. Bit
    236. Bitake
    237. Bite
    238. Bivouac
    239. Blab
    240. Black
    241. Blacken
    242. Blackmail
    243. Blame
    244. Blanch
    245. Blank
    246. Blare
    247. Blaspheme
    248. Blast
    249. Blatter
    250. Blaze
    251. Blazon
    252. Bleach
    253. Bleat
    254. Bleed
    255. Blemish
    256. Blend
    257. Bless
    258. Blight
    259. Blind
    260. Blink
    261. Blissom
    262. Block
    263. Blockade
    264. Bloom
    265. Blossom
    266. Blote
    267. Blow
    268. Blubber
    269. Bludgeon
    270. Blue
    271. Bluff
    272. Blunder
    273. Blunge
    274. Blunt
    275. Blur
    276. Blurt
    277. Blush
    278. Board
    279. Boast
    280. Boat
    281. Body
    282. Bog
    283. Bogue
    284. Boil
    285. Bolden
    286. Bolling
    287. Bolster
    288. Bolt
    289. Bomb
    290. Bombard
    291. Bone
    292. Bonify
    293. Boo
    294. Book
    295. Boost
    296. Boot
    297. Booze
    298. Border
    299. Bore
    300. Born
    301. Borrow
    302. Boss
    303. Botanize
    304. Botch
    305. Bother
    306. Bottle
    307. Bottom
    308. Bouge
    309. Bounce
    310. Bound
    311. Bouy
    312. Bow
    313. Bowge
    314. Bowl
    315. Bowne
    316. Bowssen
    317. Box
    318. Boxhaul
    319. Boycott
    320. Brace
    321. Brag
    322. Braid
    323. Brain
    324. Brainwash
    325. Brake
    326. Branch
    327. Brandish
    328. Brave
    329. Bray
    330. Break
    331. Breakfast
    332. Breathe
    333. Breed
    334. Breeze
    335. Brew
    336. Bribe
    337. Brick
    338. Bridge
    339. Bridle
    340. Brief
    341. Brighten
    342. Brim
    343. Bring
    344. Bristle
    345. Brite
    346. Broadcast
    347. Brocade
    348. Broid
    349. Bromize
    350. Bronze
    351. Brood
    352. Browbeat
    353. Brown
    354. Browse
    355. Bruise
    356. Brush
    357. Brustle
    358. Brutalize
    359. Brutify
    360. Bubble
    361. Buck
    362. Buckle
    363. Buddy
    364. Budge
    365. Budget
    366. Buff
    367. Bug
    368. Build
    369. Bulk
    370. Bully
    371. Bump
    372. Bunch
    373. Bundle
    374. Bungle
    375. Bunk
    376. Burden
    377. Burgle
    378. Burn
    379. Burnish
    380. Burow
    381. Burst
    382. Bury
    383. Bus
    384. Busk
    385. Bust
    386. Butter
    387. Button
    388. Buttress
    389. Buy
    390. Bypass


    The Top of common verbs beginning with the letter 'B' are mentioned. likewise, numerous fresh English verbs begin with this letter. Visit our Spoken English Conversation to learn further about them.

    You can also read our for numerous helpful hints on how to enhance your English vocabulary, alphabet, and pronunciation. I hope these exemplifications are helpful!

    Top 10 strong verbs that start with the letter "B" with examples

    Burst - The balloon burst with a loud pop.

    Bend - She had to bend the metal rod to shape it correctly.

    Break - He accidentally broke the vase when he knocked it off the table.

    Build - They plan to build a new house on that empty lot.

    Bring - Please bring me a glass of water from the kitchen.

    Bite - The dog will bite if you get too close to its food.

    Beat - He practiced hard to beat his opponent in the race.

    Bind - The book's pages are bound together with a leather cover.

    Burn - The fire began to burn brightly in the fireplace.

    Bleed - She cut her finger, and it started to bleed.

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