Top Verbs That Starting With Q With Examples
Top Verbs That Starting With Q With Examples: Top 10 Verb, action verb, positive verb, strong verb, question verb, negative verb.
Top 10 verbs that start with Q with examples
Quit - She decided to quit her job and pursue her passion for painting.
Question - I often question the decisions made by the management.
Quarrel - They used to be best friends, but now they constantly quarrel with each other.
Qualify - To qualify for the scholarship, you need to meet certain academic criteria.
Quicken - The excitement in the room quickened as the performer took the stage.
Quell - The police were called in to quell the riot and restore order.
Quantify - It's challenging to quantify the impact of climate change on our environment.
Quench - He tried to quench his thirst with a cold glass of water.
Quest - The hero embarked on a quest to find the lost treasure.
Quicken - The aroma of fresh-baked bread can quicken anyone's appetite.
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Top 10 Action Verbs that Start with Q with Examples
Quicken - His heartbeat quickened as he approached the finish line.
Quell - The police worked to quell the protest before it turned violent.
Question - She questioned the suspect about his whereabouts.
Quibble - They would often quibble over minor details during their meetings.
Quicken - He tried to quicken his pace to catch the bus.
Quiet - The teacher asked the students to quiet down and pay attention.
Quiver - The leaves on the tree quivered in the breeze.
Quench - She quenched her thirst with a cold glass of water.
Query - He queried the database to retrieve the relevant information.
Quarrel - They had a quarrel over who should do the dishes.
Top 10 verbs that start with Q with Question examples
1. Query - Can you query the database for recent sales data?
2. Question - Why did you question his motives?
Quicken - Could you quicken the pace of the project?
Quibble - Why do you always quibble about minor details?
Qualify - Can you qualify for a discount with this membership?
Quench - How can we quench our thirst on this hot day?
Quantify - Can you quantify the impact of this policy change?
Quarrel - Why did they quarrel with their neighbors?
Quarantine - Should we quarantine those who have been exposed to the virus?
Queue - Why is everyone queuing up outside the store?
Top 10 Positive verbs that start with Q with examples
Quicken - His words quickened my heart rate.
Quench - Drinking water quenches your thirst.
Quest - She quested for knowledge her whole life.
Quiet - The teacher asked the class to quiet down.
Quell - They managed to quell the opposition with diplomacy.
Quip - His humorous quips always brighten the mood.
Quicken - The team's success quickened their motivation.
Quote - She liked to quote inspirational sayings.
Qualify - He worked hard to qualify for the competition.
Question - She encouraged her students to question everything.
Top 10 verbs that start with Q with Negative examples
Quarrel - They often quarrel about trivial matters.
Question - He refused to question the authority's decision.
Quell - They couldn't quell the growing discontent among the workers.
Quit - She won't quit smoking despite the health risks.
Quibble - He tends to quibble over the smallest details.
Quench - They struggled to quench their thirst in the scorching heat.
Quarantine - Being in quarantine can be lonely and isolating.
Quash - The court decided to quash the charges against him.
Quantify - It's difficult to quantify the impact of climate change.
Quiet - The party next door was anything but quiet.
60+ List of Verbs that Begin with Q
- Quack
- Quackle
- Quadrate
- Quadruple
- Quaff
- Quail
- Quake
- Qualify
- Qualm
- Quantify
- Quantise
- Quantitate
- Quantize
- Quap
- Quarantine
- Quarrel
- Quarry
- Quarter
- Quarterback
- Quash
- Quat
- Quave
- Quaver
- Quech
- Queck
- Queen
- Queer
- Quelch
- Quell
- Queme
- Quench
- Querl
- Query
- Quest
- Question
- Quetch
- Queue
- Quibble
- Quich
- Quick
- Quicken
- Quickstep
- Quiet
- Quieten
- Quill
- Quilt
- Quinch
- Quintuple
- Quip
- Quirk
- Quirl
- Quit
- Quiver
- Quiz
- Quob
- Quoif
- Quoin
- Quoit
- Quop
- Quote
- Quoth
- Querken
- Quiesce
- Quadruplicate
- Quiddle
- Quitclaim